A Christian Almshouse - Offering Accommodation for Independent Living

A Christian Almshouse - Offering Accommodation for Independent Living

The Community at St Nicholas is a mutually caring and supportive one where privacy is respected but where members look out for one another and offer help and encouragement when needed.

There is always someone willing to collect prescriptions and do shopping for anyone who is ill. The model of ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ is very much a guiding principle and inspired by our daily Christian worship together.

A number of events are organised during the year to promote the spirit of community. These are almost all voluntary, but we hope that residents will wish to participate in them. For example –

  • On Sundays we have sherry together in the common room after the morning service.
  • Harvest Thanksgiving is marked by a harvest lunch or supper, and other notable occasions such as Bonfire Night and Epiphany are regularly and appropriately celebrated.
  • Christmas lunch is organised for those spending Christmas Day at The Hospital.
  • The Community meets on Monday morning after chapel in the Common Room to discuss matters of common interest. These meetings are chaired by the Master or, in his absence, the Clerk. The Chair of Trustees attends on occasions.
  • Informal groups meet for Bible study, contemplative prayer, carol singing at Christmas, to study a book together, watch a video, or to listen to music.
  • Several organisations meet at The Hospital, within which residents are represented, among them The Lydians and the Retired Clergy.
  • We send cards on each other's birthday, which are acknowledged by the recipient with a note in the common room.

The Community at St Nicholas is a mutually caring and supportive one where privacy is respected but where members look out for one another and offer help and encouragement when needed.

There is always someone willing to collect prescriptions and do shopping for anyone who is ill. The model of ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ is very much a guiding principle and inspired by our daily Christian worship together.

A number of events are organised during the year to promote the spirit of community. These are almost all voluntary, but we hope that residents will wish to participate in them. For example –

  • On Sundays we have sherry together in the common room after the morning service.
  • Harvest Thanksgiving is marked by a harvest lunch or supper, and other notable occasions such as Bonfire Night and Epiphany are regularly and appropriately celebrated.
  • Christmas lunch is organised for those spending Christmas Day at The Hospital.
  • The Community meets on Monday morning after chapel in the Common Room to discuss matters of common interest. These meetings are chaired by the Master or, in his absence, the Clerk. The Chair of Trustees attends on occasions.
  • Informal groups meet for Bible study, contemplative prayer, carol singing at Christmas, to study a book together, watch a video, or to listen to music.
  • Several organisations meet at The Hospital, within which residents are represented, among them The Lydians and the Retired Clergy.
  • We send cards on each other's birthday, which are acknowledged by the recipient with a note in the common room. 

Community Life

There are 24 self-contained mostly single-bedroom apartments set in small blocks and is a flourishing and vibrant Christian community of men and women.


All applications are reviewed according to need, the suitability of the accommodation available, and the interests of the Community.

The Chapel

There is a daily Chapel service in St. Nicholas' Chapel, which is either a Eucharist or a simple version of Morning Prayer (Common Worship).


The Hospital is associated with the fictional fosterchild Anthony Trollope's Barchester, as the original of the institution so vividly described in The Warden.

Community Life

There are 24 self-contained mostly single-bedroom apartments set in small blocks and is a flourishing and vibrant Christian community of men and women.


All applications are reviewed according to need, the suitability of the accommodation available, and the interests of the Community.

The Chapel

There is a daily Chapel service in St. Nicholas' Chapel, which is either a Eucharist or a simple version of Morning Prayer (Common Worship).


The Hospital is associated with the fictional fosterchild Anthony Trollope's Barchester, as the original of the institution so vividly described in The Warden.

The Hospital of St. Nicholas, is a flourishing and vibrant Christian almshouse in Salisbury. Accommodation for independent living, where men and women live in fellowship with one another.

Address: St Nicholas Hospital, St Nicholas Road, Salisbury SP1 2SW
Charity Number 214916

For all enquiries please contact either:

The Clerk: 01722 786638

The Master: 01722 336874

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About Us

The Hospital of St. Nicholas, is a flourishing and vibrant Christian almshouse in Salisbury. Accommodation for independent living, where men and women live in fellowship with one another.

Address: St Nicholas Hospital, St Nicholas Road, Salisbury SP1 2SW
Charity Number 214916

For all enquiries please contact either:

The Clerk: 01722 786638

The Master: 01722 336874

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